HLB Vneshaudit Company Profile

About the Company

HLB Vneshaudit Closed Joint Stock Company (“HLB Vneshaudit CJSC”) has been offering audit and consulting services since 1992.

Expert RA rating agency included HLB Vneshaudit CJSC in the list of 100 major Russian audit and consulting groups showing annual improvement.

Today the Company affords:

Confidence placed in it by managers of companies engaged in businesses of different nature and scale.

Among our existing customers are GASPROM OJSC, subsidiaries of RAO UESR, Aeroflot — Russian Airlines OJSC, Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian TV and Radio Broadcasting Company, AK Transnefteprodukt OJSC, State Unitary Enterprise VO Almazyuvelirexport, 36,6 Pharmacy Network OJSC, GUM Trading House OJSC, Severstal Metiz CJSC and other companies that entrusted us with meeting their challenges.

Experience gained since 1992

We are not cagey about the age of our Company being one of the oldest audit companies in Russia but rather boast it and willingly share our achievements.

Wide range of offered services

We are a team of professionals committed to unfailing quality of a wide range of services we offer, including: audit services, accounting services, tax consulting, management consulting, due diligence, corporate training, appraisal services, legal consulting, corporate law, international tax law and protection of corporate interests, representation of our customers in arbitration and other services.

People associating with people

Our internal and external cooperation and long-term relations are built upon a custom-tailored approach, profound professionalism, responsibility and business ethics.

Strategic development support

We are retained to aid in the preparation of audit or accounts for foreign partners, arranging IPOs or loans from foreign financial institutions, making decisions on the acquisition of businesses or property complexes.  Member firm partners from the global HLB International network are always ready to furnish information on the laws of doing business in over 100 countries.

Support in protection of interests

Settlement of tax disputes at all prejudicial and trial stages is a challenging task which we, however, successfully cope with.

Guarantees confirmed by service quality certificates and secured by multimillion insurance coverage.

We have confidence in the quality of our services shared by professional communities that have tested the quality of our services (RIPA, HLB International) but as required by applicable law we insure our liability with a major insurance company (INGOSSTRAKH) for a sum consistent with the scale of our operations.